Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Considerations for Mobility Programs 3 Provide additional time with the Destination Policy Bene昀椀ts Ensure that mobility support is being provided in Services Provider (DSP) for hands-on support for: ways that are meaningful to all groups. Consider the • Single parents following examples of expanded support: • Employee or household members with disabilities Expand spouse/partner support to be a more • Households with elderly members • Pregnant household members or with newborns inclusive bene昀椀t that provides transitional support for the accompanying family/household. (e.g., lactation needs, birthing classes, programs Provide 昀氀ights for a family member to assist with a for babies) • Medical conditions or illness home 昀椀nding trip or 昀椀nal trip for single households or single parent households. • LGBTQ+ employee and household needs with Allow 昀氀exible timelines to accommodate for shopping, restaurants, networking, support organizations, welcoming neighborhoods, etc. disabilities, de昀椀ned hardship situations, medical • Finding religious and cultural institutions conditions, pregnancy, or ill family members. O昀昀er additional support for return trips home for Consider widening the concept of support for unaccompanied employees, as some employees will de昀椀ned hardship situations, ill household members, not have family or household members moving with or divorced parents with shared custody. them to help but could bene昀椀t from the support of a Provide split family support programs when friend or family member to help with the relocation spouse/partners are not recognized in the host and acclimation to the new location. location or where conditions in the host location are not suitable for accompaniment (dangerous, isolated, etc.). Provide a mix of bene昀椀ts that can be tailored to the individual needs of the employee and their household: • Specialized cultural training • Specialized acclimation support: Transition Assistance Provider, Destination Services Provider (DSP), etc. • Connection with local support groups • Shipping considerations – Lactation needs – Accessibility goods: wheelchairs, ramps – Service and support animals • Modi昀椀cations for long-term accommodations modi昀椀cations – Ramps – Supports, handles – Electronics • Additional considerations for temporary housing – Unit selection for families with single parents or who have elderly parents living with them

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