 The above banking information is based on latest observations and may be subject to any updates/changes as deemed fit by the bank(s) Joint Accounts Opening of joint accounts can be done when both parties hold a valid AU visa. Bank Account Opening Check List Particulars Documents Required Original or Copy Remarks Required Applicant must attend in- Australian with British Estimated at $25,000 - Class sizes are smaller. If person and provide original influences $40,000/annum for tuition there is no space in the year ID only. the child will either go on a wait list or the application For international expats rejected. there is usually an international fee in addition to base tuition Australian Tax ID Australian Estimated at $4,500 - $20,000/annum for tuition. May be an international fee for expatriates. Residence proof Australian Rough estimation at Long-term lease/home $1,500/annum. purchase required within the catchment zone of the school to apply. Varies by school. Low fees in comparison. Employment reference Employer’s reference letter Original in company’s May be required letterhead Applicant must attend in- Passport or Driver’s license Original Account can be set up person and provide original with validated employment online ahead of arrival ID visa Please note: Guidelines for opening of bank accounts in Australia may vary across different banks and subjected to changes without prior notice. ©2022 SIRVA BGRS Worldwide, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary.

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