Why will you need a TFN? A TFN will assist you when you:  work in Australia  lodge a tax return  ask about your personal affairs  apply for certain income assistance or support payments (such as pensions or benefits from either Centrelink or the Department of Veterans’ Affairs)  make or receive payments under the Pay As You Go system  have savings accounts or investments that earn income – for example, interest or dividends. If you are authorized to work in Australia, it is to your advantage to have a TFN. The online registration system can be used by people from overseas who have visas that allow work rights in Australia. These include working holiday makers, New Zealanders (who get a visa upon arrival), permanent migrants, overseas students who have had their visa amended to allow them to work, and people with a business class visa. Applying online means you will not need to provide physical documentation as proof of identity. Your privacy The Tax Office is authorized by the Income Tax Assessment Act 1936 to ask for information on the TFN application. The Tax Office needs this information to help administer laws relating to taxation, Commonwealth benefits, and superannuation. They may give this information to other government agencies authorized by law to receive it. For example, Commonwealth agencies which administer laws relevant to your situation. Depending on your situation these agencies could include Centrelink, the Australian Federal Police, the Child Support Agency, the Department of Veterans’ Affairs, the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, the Department of Family and Community Services, and the Department of Education, Science and Training. Banking Account applications can be completed online with any one of the major banks. Accounts will be available for deposits only; in order to make a withdrawal, you need to present yourself at the relevant bank branch with identification. Within six weeks of your arrival, you will usually only need your passport as identification. After six weeks you will need additional identification to open an account, and you may have difficulty if you do not have many documents to identify yourself. Banking may vary from state to state. Please check with your local consultant for specifics. Most banks are open from 9:00/9:30 am – 4:00/5:00 pm on weekdays. ©2022 SIRVA BGRS Worldwide, Inc. Confidential and Proprietary.

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